Papercade at Critical Hit 2014


Coming up this Monday (July 14) Mike will be at Critical Hit to chat about all things Papercade. He will also bring along a few iPads with the playable alpha for participants to try out!

For those of you wondering what on Earth we’re talking about, Critical Hit is a fantastic program here in Montreal that is dedicated to ‘catalyse the development of experimental games.’ Each year they focus on a different type of game design, with this year’s theme being ‘game jams.’

At Critical Hit 2014, participants game jam in one week intervals, pick their favourites, and then continue developing those selected into polished experimental games.

As we work on getting Papercade ready to launch we have also been inspired by game jams. The amazing creativity and expression that come as a result of the structure and atmosphere of game jams are what inspired us to create the PaperJAM Challenges currently featured in Papercade.

All in all we are really looking forward to sharing stories, tips, and contributing to the Critical Hit community.